Wednesday, January 4, 2012

FAM Update

So an update on the Fertility Awareness Method charting that I started doing.  Please refer to this post, Vajayjay, if you are not sure what the heck I'm talking about.  So, I just finished up my first cycle of charting and figured I'd update you on to how well it went.  Let me start off by saying you definitely learn a lot about your body doing it! Getting used to remembering to temp the second you wake up is probably the hardest for me.  I'm so used to either getting up immediately to go to the bathroom or just laying there thinking for forever.  I really like that you can use the website of the book I mentioned to chart on and it's so helpful and makes things so much easier!  Predicting when I was going to ovulate was actually kind of fun, I had a good idea about 2 days ahead of time and when I realized via temping and whatnot that I had, it was like score one for me!  Ok, maybe I'm easily amused but whatevs.  So far my cycle is still too unpredictable and weird from going off the pill to actually use it solely for birth control but once it regulates out and I get the hang of it I think I will feel completely comfortable using it as birth control after I ovulate.  The jury is still out about using it before ovulation, will have to see how well my cycle regulates in a few months.  It's really nice too to be able to pretty well see when you are going to start your lovely period.  The only thing I miss about the pill, you can't manipulate your temping or cycle to have your period when it's more convenient.  I mean really, who wants to start on the weekend, not me.  

Overall though my body feels better being off the pill.  I've gone off a lot of my IBS medications, after I went off the pill they started making me sick which I thought was really strange.  But hey, less medicines, less money in copays, less things I'm putting into my body, better for me.  I really would recommend the book to every woman, even if you have no plans of using it for contraception or getting pregnant, it really does teach you a lot about your body and the more aware of your body you are, the more in-tune you become with your body and the better off you are.  So if anybody has read this book or has been trying the FAM, let me know what you think about it.  It's only been 1 month so I definitely have a lot more to learn and get used to, but so far so good.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! This is my first month temping!! I just started four days ago... I read the book and have learned sooo much!! We are using it to get pregnant, but it's really amazing!!!
