Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hello 2012

Wow, I cannot believe it's 2012 already!  2011 was a very busy year for us with buying the house and condo and redoing some of the house and the hubs starting school.  I'm hoping that during 2012 we can relax some and enjoy our house and hopefully finish up decorating it.  There's still plenty that needs done this winter to it.  Keeping up a house is almost a full time job haha  Anyways, how was everyone's holidays?  So sad that they are over now and it's back to work and school.  No more time off for awhile, even more sad.  Can you tell I enjoy my vacation time haha  The weather here has definitely turned to winter and it is beyond freezing out!  I will finally get to wear the carhartt overalls my hubs got me before Christmas when I go out to the barn after work.  As excited as I am to finally try them out, I'm not excited that it's 20 degrees outside today and I have to wear them to avoid freezing my tush off!  We even had our first bit of snow yesterday, prolly close to half an inch, but it was nice to watch it coming down.

This weekend I will be taking down all the Christmas decorations.  I'm very sad about this because I love watching the lights on the Christmas tree and it was our very first Christmas tree.  My mom used to always take down our tree on New Year's day, to me that is just too early and even more depressing.  If I could, I would probably leave mine up til February, but I need the space for my new sewing table.  When does everyone else start taking down their decorations?  Do you do it in phases or just all at once?  I'm going to shoot for getting them all down at once.  The SIL is coming over Friday night for a girls night so I figure that will be a good time since we had so much fun putting them all up together while working on our box of wine.  Guess I better get back to work, lots to catch up on...

PS What are your New Year's resolutions?  Mine, to get in touch with old friends that I have lost touch with due to being busy and transitioning from the military life back to civilian life and I guess from being lazy, I miss them!  I've already been in contact with one, my old riding buddy, and got to catch up with her yesterday, so nice!  Also to try new things, like sewing a quilt all by myself (my MIL and SIL helped with the last one) and doing new and fun things with my hubs!  We have plans to hopefully do some more camping this year.

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