Friday, December 2, 2011


Oh yeah, I'm going there today.  How many of us really know a lot about what goes on in our bodies, specifically our lady parts?  I thought I knew quite a bit, I work in a medical setting so I definitely should know, right, nope definitely not!  So, I recently had to go off my birth control pill because it was causing nasty side effects, anxiety, mood swings, just feeling really icky.  I called up my doctor, she stated that birth control cannot cause those side effects.  Really, that's interesting since those are the side effects listed for the pill, I even double checked on  If your doctor does not know the side effects of the medication they are prescribing, they should not be prescribing it.  I am definitely seeking a new doctor at this point.  I've gone through many BC pills and have had similar reactions to all of them, although with this one they were definitely the worse, the side effects honestly scared me with how severe they were.  So I decided that maybe it was time to look into other forms of birth control and went off the pill completely and scheduled an appointment with a gyno.  I was super excited for my appointment, thought I would  find out some awesome form of birth control that doesn't stuff hormones into your body or cause nasty side effects, was I disappointed, oh yeah.  What the hell, all these advances in medicine and there's nothing out that there's effective without a bunch of side effects.  Who rules the Drug industry, men definitely.  If they had to endure this shit, there'd be new stuff out there ASAP!  Could you imagine men PMSing, haha the world would grind to a halt, of course I think some men PMS just like us, or at least they act like it.

So whats a girl to do??  Condoms, come on those aren't as fun.  Spermicide and sponges and diaphragms?  Lube is gooey and nasty I can't imagine having to squirt some spermicide up there.  IUDs?  Not the best choice if you've never had children and some of those have hormones as well and the ones who don't typically cause heavier periods, no thanks.  Implanon and the shot, hormones.  We already know my body does not handle hormones well, just ask my hubs.  So I got on a chat support board for the USMC that I'm apart of and go to the wives' and girlfriends' section and post my dilemma.  Their answer, much as the same ones as above, except someone mentions this....
A natural birth control method, no not the Rhythm method, completely different from that.  So I figured, what the hell, I'll read it and see what it's all about.  At this point we gotta use condoms anyways.  So I ordered my own copy and I just received it last night.  I started reading it, hubs is still hunting and seriously, cleaning the house, so not fun.  So far I'd have to say that I'm really liking it.  It's very funny too, it mentions what would happen if an IUD type product was made for guys, very funny to imagine and they even included a picture.  I'm only through the introduction and the first part of the next chapter but I am very intrigued by this process.  I really thought that it would be a book all about getting pregnant, but it's not.  It is definitely all about understanding your body and your cycle and how to tell when you are ovulating, etc.  Even if I decide that the Natural Method won't work for us, I will at least have a better understanding of my body and what goes on down there, cause let's face it ladies, it's not like anybody else is going to give you a mini seminar on it.  I will keep you updated as I read along and my thoughts on it and if I decide we should try it.  After reading the introduction though, I never want to use any hormone related product again or an IUD (not that those were looking too appealing anyways).  Has anybody else read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and successfully used the natural birth control method?  I've heard of several people who have intentionally gotten pregnant using their charting method, but that's kind of the exact opposite of what we want in this stage of our lives.

Oh and since I have stopped the pill my moods and mental state are back to normal, well normal for me, I'm an emotional person to start with.  No more hormones for this chick!

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