Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oh Dreary Day

It is raining, again.  Sunshine please come back, I was enjoying you the last few days...  Why is it raining in January anyways?  Why is it 47 today and going to be 25 Saturday? Don't you know Mother Nature that I hate the cold and rain?  Mother Nature's Response would probably be, well then go move to the damn desert haha  It's been busy at work the past couple of days and then today I have a few moments to actually think before it's back to scanning documents.  All I really want to do though is go home and curl up in bed with my hubs and puppies, ahhh that seems so nice right now....

Speaking of puppies, I attempted to talk my hubs into getting a 4th puppy earlier this week.  I know, sounds crazy, but it'd be another small doggy, specifically an Italian Greyhound.  I have a special place in my heart for lil Italian Greyhounds.  My first puppy that was all my own was one and she was with me when I went through some harder times and when my hubs was off training and what not for the Marines.  A few months before he deployed though she was outside with my hubs and the neighbor dog came running over and she ran off after him and was hit by a car and killed.  I was completely devastated, definitely one of the hardest things I've ever gone through and it still upsets me to think about it.  She was like my baby.  She had issues though, separation anxiety issues and she had them pretty bad after I moved down to Jville with her.  I always felt so guilty because I felt that she was unhappy and that's why her behavior was getting worse (it really was just her and that's how she always was, she did not like sharing me with anyone).  So of course when she died I felt even more guilty and I still feel that guilt to this day so when I see a lil Iggy that someone is trying to find a home for on Craigslist I feel an intense need to adopt them.  That's how we ended up with this lil princess

I mean really, how could you not want to take her home, she's so cute!  Anyways, I found such an Iggy on Craigslist this week and attempted to convince hubs that we needed another one, he did not go for it though.  Probably a good thing considering how much that cute lil girl has already cost us in vet bills since we got her. But I cannot help it!  I think when we move out to where we have land, I will prolly adopt lots of doggies.  I'm pretty sure my husband knows this already and is trying to delay the inevitable as long as possible haha

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