Wednesday, December 7, 2011


How many of you love your UPS man?  I do!  Our dogs even know the sound of his truck when he comes around the corner and start barking.  I love our UPS man because he delivers all the goodies I order online (I do  a large bit of our shopping, besides actual groceries, online).  In a way UPS guy is like Santa, except I had to pay for all the things he delivers, that's the only down side.  I love tracking my packages and I love love love when stores use the UPS notifier, then I get an email directly from UPS when my packaged has shipped.  Yesterday I received such an email stating that my Mary Janes have shipped and should be here later this week, yay!  Just in time for our office Christmas Party Saturday night :)

Over the weekend I went shopping with the SIL and we got all of our Christmas decorations for the tree and for outside.  I'll have to post a pic of the tree later, it turned out fabulous!  Who would have thought that going shopping the first weekend of December though would resemble Black Friday shopping!  There were so many people out, it was ridiculous!  We ended up at about 5 different stores just looking for decent bulbs for the tree at an affordable price.  Finally, Wally World and Kmart were offering just what we were looking for.  This is our first Christmas in our house and the first time we've put a tree up and thanks to Grandma, we have a fabulous tree.  Since hubs was still out hunting at that point, me and my SIL decided to put up the Christmas Lights outside since it was going to be the last decent day for awhile.  Oh how I wish I'd brought my camera out with us.  The neighbors were driving by laughing at us, no joke.  We ended up crawling out an upstairs window and sitting/hanging off the roof to put some of them up and then where the bushes were I couldn't fit the ladder, so I was hanging off a barstool sticking out of the bushes while my SIL was holding on to me.  I'm sure we were quite a sight.  But they all went up and worked and look so nice!  The hubs was very impressed with our skills, especially since he knows both of us are afraid of heights.  We did need a glass, or 2 or 3, of wine when we were done.  Hubs has been informed that he will be in charge of taking them down because we refuse to climb back up on the roof.  Hubs is now back from hunting, yay, he was the only one of the group to get a deer, poor lil deer.  Now we need to go get a deep freezer so we have somewhere to put all the meat....

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