Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hump Day

I do believe this week is going by about as quickly as a turtle stuck in molasses.  Probably because last week was a short, 2 day, work week for me and this week is not.  The hubs is out hunting poor, innocent, cute lil deer, to feed us for the next year.  Poor deer.  I like deer meat but I do not like the process of getting it to our freezer. I just like to pretend it comes that way.  It seems so weird when hubs is not home now.  I was used to him coming and going frequently when he was in the Marines, but now that he's home all the time I just don't know what to do with myself when he is gone.  Let's see, I could be very productive like I used to be when he would be out in the field or whatevs, I could clean the whole house, wash the carpets, go grocery shopping, put up the Christmas decorations, finish decorating our house with the stuff we have stashed in the spare closet from our 1 bedroom apartment days.  However, a nice nap when I get home this evening and watching Netflix sounds so much more appealing.  Why would anybody want to clean when they can take a nap and veg out in front of the TV?  I want a maid, somebody to clean the bathrooms and dust and vacuum.  Those are the things I hate most about cleaning.  Well I really don't know if there's any one part that I actually like about cleaning except the end result, a clean house.

So I did decide to go ahead and get the Mary Janes I posted yesterday.  I just could not resist, especially when I found a $5 coupon online.  Total amount spent with shipping, $16.  Can't beat that.  Now I just cannot wait until I get them!!!!  I love getting packages in the mail, it's like Christmas when they come haha  Me and the SIL have a shopping trip planned for Saturday to get Christmas decorations since we have pretty much no decorations.  I have already told her though to keep me far far away from the shoe area, they're my weakness.  Shopping, my friend; cleaning, my enemy (although I'm sure my bank account prefers cleaning to shopping).  Why can't I win the lottery???

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