Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Beginning...

Well hopefully this blog will be the beginning of something super fun.   I guess I'll start off with a little about myself.  Last August my husband went on terminal leave from the Marine Corps, his official EAS was in Oct.  We moved back home from Jacksonville, NC and in with my in-laws, thankfully I have wonderful in-laws and my best friend is my SIL.  I was very fortunate to find a job right away as a regulatory coordinator (basically the paper pusher) for a medical research company and my hubs is a full-time student pursuing a degree in automotive mechanics.  We have 3 doggies that are basically like our kids and I have a horse (I've had him 11 years and I love love love riding!).  We bought our first house in January of this year and then bought a condo in September as an investment property.  We are now landlords, eek, and my hubs would like to continue investing in rental properties so that eventually we can move out in the middle of nowhere and have our own farm.  We live in the suburbs now and while we have a nice house, neither one of us are city people and we are itching to move out in the country.

I love fashion, shopping, makeup, DIY projects, decorating, reading, and my animals are my babies so that's probably what the majority of this blog will be about.  I really enjoyed our time in the military and actually miss it quite a bit.  The sense of community and belonging are so strong when you are in the military.  Not to mention a sense of security almost.  It really felt like real life began when we got out of the Marines and in a sense life seems a lot busier now.  It really is completely different now that we are civilians again.  Although I do love that I do not have to worry about when the next field op or deployment will be or if the hubs will be coming home late because somebody lost a piece of gear.  I feel extremely blessed to have my little family and I'm really looking forward to what our lives together hold.

So, first bit of fashion input for my blog.....I really want these!!!!

Thumbnail 108996    Which can be found here:  Urbanog
I love Urbanog! (This is not a sponsored advertisement for them I just love them!)  They have Deals for the Day which is when you can find gorgeous heels for around $12!  Now I just have to decide if I should get them.....

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